Imagine a world where all women can reach their fullest leadership potential. Such a world will never exist if we don’t all take steps to get us there.
This article is a call to action to request your help to shatter the glass ceiling. The goal of this article is to provide some relatively easy strategies that can have a big impact on closing the gender gap.
We all know that mentorship is invaluable to helping women’s career growth in the workplace, but what exactly does mentorship look like? To promote women into leadership positions, it is crucial that you give them a glimpse behind the curtain. Inviting women to the table as observers to important meetings will provide them with the opportunity to better understand the interpersonal dynamics and thought patterns involved.
I want to challenge you to take on a mentor role for at least one woman within your organization this year. Invite them to some of your key meetings, then follow up to debrief with them on the meeting. This exercise will provide them with invaluable insight they wouldn’t otherwise have.
While mentorship is a huge step, it is simply not enough to help women succeed as leaders. To truly be successful, women need sponsorship. We need our male counterparts and mentors to become advocates on our behalf. According to a Harvard Business Review article, “Without sponsorship, women not only are less likely than men to be appointed to top roles but may also be more reluctant to go for them.”
One way to act as a sponsor for a woman is to invite her to a networking event and introduce her to key stakeholders. The size of the event does not matter; what’s important is that others see you actively supporting her.
Schedule Flexibility
Often we hear women confess that they feel the need to choose between being a caregiver and advancing their career. Historically, inflexibility in the workplace has led women to feel as though they cannot be both an organizational leader and a caregiver. To help bridge this gap, organizations must implement policies that allow women flexibility to be both.
One solution that many local governments have implemented in the wake of the pandemic is a hybrid work schedule. Allowing women to work remotely gives them the space they need to find a better work-life balance and aid their mental health by establishing breaks.
Elder Care
Lastly, you can review your elder care policies. Women are often left to fill the role of caregiver for aging parents and relatives. We are seeing an increase in the elderly population, thus the demand for workplace policies that aid in elder care is only going to increase. Providing flexibility with time off and scheduling is an easier solution; however, you could also work with your employee assistance vendor to talk through potential service options.
Hopefully, these strategies help you take the small step that leads to a giant leap for women in this profession. If each person reading this article were to commit to adopting one of these strategies, we can help women everywhere reach their fullest potential.

AUDREY ABLES is a budget and financial management analyst at Pinellas County, Florida.
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