Who is eligible to serve?
All ICMA members, regardless of membership category, are eligible to serve, and everyone is encouraged to apply. Members who have not recently served on a committee or task force are especially urged to volunteer.
Are there any particular qualifications sought in volunteers?
Most importantly, ICMA is looking for volunteers with enthusiasm, creativity, and a willingness to actively participate. There are some committees and task forces that require subject matter expertise as well. Attention is also given to ensure representation of minorities, women, and assistants, as well as members working in counties and councils of government. Another goal is to appoint members from each ICMA membership region. Members must be willing and able to actively participate by attending meetings and working on projects.
How are members appointed?
Interested members should complete the online request form.
ICMA's president-elect appoints members to committees and task forces. Appointments are usually made by early June. This enables staff to notify appointees in ample time for them to make travel arrangements to attend their first meetings at ICMA's Annual Conference. Kick-off meetings can be in-person or virtual. Although attendance at meetings is not mandatory for some of the committees, acceptance of appointment should be based on a willingness and ability to actively participate in meetings and assignments. Members must participate in order to remain on the committee.
How many vacancies exist?
The number of interested individuals sometimes exceeds the number of vacancies. If you are not appointed, there are other volunteer opportunities that will allow you to serve the profession.
How long are the terms of appointment?
Appointments range from one to three years depending on the committee. All members will serve the length of their appointment unless removed by the chair for non participation.
When do committees meet?
The first meetings that committee members attend are usually held at the ICMA Annual Conference each fall. Not all meetings will be connected to the conference. Some maybe held virtually at another point in time. In addition to these kick-off meetings, committees have other virtual meetings during the course of the year.
Will I be responsible for my own expenses when attending a meeting?
Yes, members are expected to cover expenses associated with attending meetings.
What are the roles and responsibilities of task force and committee members?
The ICMA Executive Board gives committees clearly defined tasks and time frames. This structure was created to strengthen the effectiveness of member participation and linkages to board priorities, and to allow a group of members to work together for one to three years on clear tasks. Committee members are directly responsible for all products or materials that are produced. The assigned chairperson takes the lead in organizing the work of the committee, with an ICMA staff member serving as a resource primarily to help with meeting logistics and distribution of communications.
Do ICMA Executive Board members play a role?
Most committees are assigned a board liaison. The board liaison serves as a linkage to board priorities, attends the conference meeting, and reports on issues and activities at executive board meetings.