REDUCED Membership Dues
ICMA’s restructure of membership dues will provide savings for CAOs and ACAOs and offer those in smaller communities the opportunity to experience the benefits of ICMA membership. Whether you have been a member for decades or are brand new, we would like to thank you for your loyalty and support in helping shape the future of the profession. We truly appreciate you!
ICMA is honored to support members at every stage of their career
Watch ICMA President Lon Pluckhahn's Address at the #ICMA2023 Conference in Austin
At the 2023 ICMA Annual Conference, incoming ICMA President Lon Pluckhahn set forth his platform, which emphasizes mental health and well-being. Priorities for the upcoming year are equity, governance, global strategy, and an updated ICMA strategic plan. Pluckhahn also talked about the importance of sharing our stories so that we can build understanding: “We build our best relationships and forge a stronger ICMA when we truly see each other’s authentic selves.” Listen to his story and hear the charge he sets forth for ICMA members as we move forward.
“We must be able to share our stories and build understanding.”
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ICMA Connect is an online community providing ICMA members with opportunities to ask questions of your colleagues, share knowledge and resources, and much more!

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ICMA provides the tools, resources and connections to help you become part of the international network of 13,000+ local government management professionals.