The work of the Equity Officers Institute supports the ICMA Executive Board’s statement regarding systemic racism and the action steps announced in June 2020. Among other steps, the board specifically committed to “Engage our members and partners in a process of listening to understand what our profession needs in order to deliver on the work of our mission and vision through the lens of equity and inclusion.”
There is no cost to join the Equity Officers Institute; however, a commitment to full participation and contribution of knowledge and expertise is expected. As a member, you may receive a complementary full year of membership, at the affiliate level* in ICMA and all the benefits associated with membership. Virtual meetings will be held monthly for two hours (12:30-2:30 p.m. ET) on the third Thursday of each month. (*Complimentary membership applies to department heads/staff only).
During monthly meetings, team members will get to know each other and share and expand their understanding of equity. As a member of the EOI, you will be involved in promoting the understanding and application of equity, inclusion, social justice, and accessibility in local government. This work might include sharing a significant policy, writing an article for Public Management magazine, conducting a workshop, serving on an equity panel, becoming part of the “Ask an Equity Manager” response team, or other activities.
Based on the interests of the group, ICMA will provide participants with content to address interests, challenges, and needs. For example:
Meeting 1: Connection before content: Getting to know you as a person and what you value.
Meeting 2: Creating agreements: What is our definition of equity? What challenges do we face?
Meeting 3: Spotlight: At each meeting, two members will share the history of race in their community and the current culture and challenges. Content in the form of a speaker or pre-reading and discussion during the session will focus on the challenges identified at the second meeting.
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
- James Baldwin
Institute Purpose: To create a cohort of equity officers and others who will actively participate in an ongoing conversation, share challenges and successes, and promote the understanding and application of equity and inclusion in local government and in the broader arena.
Participants will be representative of the diversity within ICMA localities and will currently be equity officers (or the equivalent); serve in the equity officer's office; serve to increase an understanding of equity, race, and inclusion at the manager, assistant, or deputy level to create work that will have the greatest impact on communities. Some exceptions may apply.
- Equity Officer Cohort 2020-21 | 2021 Equity Summit: Moving the Needle: Advancing Racial Equity in Local Government
- Equity Officer Cohort 2021-22 | 2022 Equity Summit: Ready or Not! Moving from DIscourse to Action
- Equity Officer Cohort 2022-23 | 2023 Equity Summit: Weaving Equity into the Fabric of Local Government
- Equity Officer Cohort 2023-24
How to Apply
The application period is ope through November 1. Submit your application, and we will contact you when we reopen the process.
Questions? Contact speakup@icma.org